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Please feel free to contact SCIsupply Inc. anytime with questions or concerns. We can be reached at:

SCIsupply Inc. has you covered from coast to coast! We are better able to serve the needs of Canadians with distribution centres in both Toronto, Ontario and Delta, British Columbia. Establishing a presence in both central and western Canada enables us to get you your products faster than ever!

Head Office

SCIsupply Inc. Toll free 1 (877) 363-2284
201 - 126 Hurontario Street
1 (877) 308-6268
Collingwood, ON L9Y 2L8


Contact Us

"My recent order came quickly and flawlessly, by mid afternoon. Always great service and understanding from you... Thanks again." Ron from Perth
"Wow! This is what I mean by great service. Your reply arrived almost immediately." Brian from Mississauga
"Thank you for your excellent service over the years." Barabara from Vancouver