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Assura Soft Front Classic Pouch

Product Type:Ostomy
Info:One Piece
Item No.Stoma SizePouch SizeConvexityUnitsPrice
138403/8" - 2 3/16"MidiNon-Convex10$60.68
138703/8" - 2 3/4"MaxiNon-Convex10$60.68
144045/8" - 1-5/16"MidiConvex Light10$77.94
144055/8" - 1 11/16"MidiConvex Light10$77.94
144145/8" - 1-5/16"MaxiConvex Light10$77.94
144155/8" - 1 11/16"MaxiConvex Light10$77.94
141965/8" - 1 11/16"MidiConvex10$79.72
141065/8" - 1 11/16"MaxiConvex10$78.29
From $60.68
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Item No.Stoma SizePouch SizeConvexityUnitsPrice
138403/8" - 2 3/16"MidiNon-Convex10$60.68
138703/8" - 2 3/4"MaxiNon-Convex10$60.68
144045/8" - 1-5/16"MidiConvex Light10$77.94
144055/8" - 1 11/16"MidiConvex Light10$77.94
144145/8" - 1-5/16"MaxiConvex Light10$77.94
144155/8" - 1 11/16"MaxiConvex Light10$77.94
141965/8" - 1 11/16"MidiConvex10$79.72
141065/8" - 1 11/16"MaxiConvex10$78.29
From $60.68
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An extremely hygenic and secure pouch for people with ileostomies and colostomies with an easy-to-use patented velcro closure system. No clamps or clips required. Soft, comfortable backing.

Midi-size, opaque, drainable pouch with soft cloth on both sides, and unique Easiclose outlet with integrated filter.

Coloplast Product Codes
Stoma Size Pouch Size Convexity Product Code
3/8" - 2 3/16" Midi Non-Convex 13840
3/8" - 2 3/4" Maxi Non-Convex 13870
5/8" - 1-5/16" Midi Convex Light 14404
5/8" - 1 11/16" Midi Convex Light 14405
5/8" - 1-5/16" Maxi Convex Light 14414
5/8" - 1 11/16" Maxi Convex Light 14415
5/8" - 1 11/16" Midi Convex 14196
5/8" - 1 11/16" Maxi Convex 14106
"Wow, I received the order about 15 minutes ago; once again great service!
" Brian from Sauble Beach
"I am a tough cookie to please and have had a really hard time dealing with this. You have NO idea how HUGE it is to have someone I can trust to get me what i need when i am in a panic. You guys came through big time." Alyssa from Brampton
"Really appreciate your kind attention and excellent service!" James from Calgary