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Coloplast Brava Protective Ring

Product Type:Ostomy
Item No.DiameterThicknessUnits
COL 1203511/16"1/8"10
COL 120391 5/16"1/8"10
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Item No.DiameterThicknessUnits
COL 1203511/16"1/8"10
COL 120391 5/16"1/8"10
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The Brava Protective Ring has a new polymer formulation that is designed to protect against leakage and protect the skin, thereby providing a dual protection. It is easy to shape so it fits snugly around the stoma and can be applied over skin with dips, creases and folds. Upon time of removal, it can be removed easily and cleanly, leaving minimal residue behind.

Coloplast Product Codes
Diameter Thickness Product Code
11/16" 1/8" 12035
1 5/16" 1/8" 12039



"I wanted to send this as a HUGE thank you for the service your company provides. To call at 4:30 and to get the order by 9:20 this morning was such a surprise......and a relief. " Alyssa from Brampton
"Just received the catheter bags! Thanks! Excellent service as always!!
" Diane from Owen Sound
"I am a tough cookie to please and have had a really hard time dealing with this. You have NO idea how HUGE it is to have someone I can trust to get me what i need when i am in a panic. You guys came through big time." Alyssa from Brampton