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Easy Cath Coude Tip

Product Type:Incontinence
Info:50 per box
Item No.SizeQuantity
EC10310 FR50
EC12312 FR50
EC14314 FR50
EC16316 FR50
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Item No.SizeQuantity
EC10310 FR50
EC12312 FR50
EC14314 FR50
EC16316 FR50
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The Rusch Easy Cath with Coude Tip is a sterile urethral catheter used for intermittent self-catheterization Available only in the US and Canada. Not available in European Union.

50 catheters per 1 box

Rusch Product Codes
Size Product Code
10 Fr EC103
12 Fr EC123
14 Fr EC143
16 Fr EC163
"Thanks Mike. Great service as usual!" Frank from Windsor
"Thanks so much Mike...... You have fantastic service!
Just got my package a few minutes ago......" Corrine from Langley
"Thank you Mike. I don’t know from where you’re shipping, but it’s blazingly fast. Got the box at noon today, less than 24 hours after the order. Same thing last time. Much appreciated." Allan from Toronto